How do we do it all?!
We want everyone to enjoy the burn as much as possible but the camp isn’t going to run itself because WE ARE THE CAMP!
Our priority is a freaking good time so you only have to worry about 1 day + Strike
Our camp operates on a “BUNCHES” system. Each BUNCH has about 8-10 people. BUNCH leader positions are usually reserved for veteran campers.
Examples of BUNCH Responsibilities :
Running Daily interactivity Schedule
Making daily coffee & serving breakfast
Cooking Dinner
Cleaning kitchen after Dinner
Ice Run
Snow Cones
BUNCHES key task for the day are making sure that camp is clean and interactive and that means that if there's nothing going on MAKE something happen!
The magic at any Burn is 10-fold so have fun!
A Day in Camp.... what happens all day?
Early Morning
Most people will be sleeping. Likely, there will be people crashed on hammocks and chairs. BUT... this is the *communal* area. We try to keep it quiet before 10 AM but it’s a Burn, always bring earplugs.
8 AM (ish) Morning Sesh
Coffee and Tea! We'll have 2 large electric (plug in) Carafes. One will have coffee, the other hot water, with a variety of teas available. After brewing and heating water, both will be in insulated dispensers. There’s also a cereal bar for all camp mates to enjoy.
We will offer coffee and tea for visitors. No music before noon to allow everyone some rest.
Daytime Events/Stuff/Extra. You want to host an event? DO IT! Wanna make people mid day snacks? DO IT! The fun in camp is whatever your bunch plans ahead. We like when people do nice things for others. Body painting? Teach us to line dance? Workshop in making leather masks? Story time? Drum Circle? Teach us hooping? Open Mic? Karaoke?
Lots of people go out and explore the burn, others lounge in the hammock forest. Most likely there will be some silly event hosted at our camp. Get to know your camp mates! Open the bar early, get some groovy tunes on... make the day your bitch!
2 PM Time to go BANANAS!
SNOW CONES! We do snow cones 2-4pm every day and they bring a lot of people to camp. Get ready to meet some thirsty burners!
The party can start as early 2pm all the way to sunset! If you plan to sleep during this time, tell us so we can place you as far away from the music as possible. We highly recommend ear plugs, not just for our camp. Our entire sound system comes from the Dusty Busty and we like to take her out at night.
4 PM Let the cooking commence!
Cooking Crew starts! Dinner is the pod’s first job! After preparation, communal kitchen needs to be cleaned and returned to normal. When it's done, we'll have a service station, and you will serve campers (you'll know who's in our camp by their appealing personality). Some can clean up while some assist in service. Sometimes a meal line works. Plan ahead and it will be a lot easier :-)
6 PM(ish) Chow time!
Dinner served! The cooking crew will be serving you dinner BRING YOUR OWN PLATES, CUPS, BOWLS & SILVERWARE, we won't have ANY.
7 PM (ish) Clean up and transform!
Dinner over. We can't keep the food around all night, so we offer leftovers up to the community. It's pretty easy, actually. Just cart the pot out to a table by the road, and offer, "Hey, you want some curry" or something to that effect.
Night events. Lots of people are heading out and about at this time, and the weather is getting much more manageable. Ideally, we'll have some music, drinks, and some snacks (or leftovers) to offer people to entice them in to hang out or to play our games outside while the sun sinks back and it gets a little cooler out. Want to host a night event? Have at it!
ADVENTURE TIME! We usually try to go out together and enjoy the burn as a group but even the best bananas sometimes split! That’s OK! we always find each other again. Just look for the Dusty Busty and you’ll most likely find a lot the camp hanging out together.
BACK AT CAMP? Enjoy the peace and quiet, get yourself hydrated, start at bonfire and make some smores!
Games and shennigans! Banana glory hole, Banana jenga, card games, drinking, bananas, etc. Have ideas? Get ‘em going!
Build & Strike
BUILD is a ton of fun and whoever is there for build gets to enjoy the burn more. We start building Tuesday.
If you get there for build you are considered a VIB (Very Important Banana) you get a better spot for your camping area and you only have to one chore instead of two, plus other benefits such as being cool and stuff.
The more people we have to help build, the quicker we get it done and the sooner we get to start enjoying the burn.
STRIKE is the hardest job of the entire burn, we are all tired and we want to go home. It is beyond unfair that only a handful of people break down the entire camp.
If you cannot stay Sunday, please find another camp. Most of us are there until Monday or Tuesday but the majority of camp is broken down Sunday afternoon.
EVERYONE HELPS WITH STRIKE or you don’t get to camp with us next time.
If you don’t help with build or strike don’t even bother applying to camp with us again.
Same goes for anyone who leaves without saying a word before we even start to strike camp.
We wish you farewell and happy camping somewhere else.
It’s a very simple recipe and it’s about keeping quality camp mates, we do not need quantity.
Burning Man 2025 Camp Contribution Tier
March 1st - June 1st
$ 600
June 2nd - July 31st
After Aug 1st