Burning Man 2025: TOMORROW TODAY
August 24 - September 1, 2025
Our Mission
The mission of Camp Banana Hammocks is to elevate the 11 principles of Burning Man. We come together to leave an appealing impact on the community through our events, shenanigans , and volunteer work. We strive to leave wherever we go better then we found it! We strongly believe that because of Our Trust, Respect, and Integrity, we attract like minded people to join our ranks of collaborative team members who don’t split easy.
Join us for our 7th year going bananas!
After finally bringing Banana Hammocks to Black Rock City we are full of energy and joy! Ready to shine like the sun once more!
We are a 50 person camp this year, providing a refuge from the sun, crappy music or boring times! We host a wide variety of events throughout the week so make sure to check out our events page!
Our ethos is built on the 11 Principles, a set of commonly understood values reflected in the Burning Man experience.
Communal Effort: It takes a village to make this baby happen! EVERYONE WORKS!
Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce, promote, and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction.
Immediacy: It’s now or next year! Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture. We seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers. No idea can substitute for this experience.
Civic Responsibility: This is our camp, our neighborhood, our city. Make it the best it can be for everyone.
We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
Leaving No Trace: Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them. MOOP: Matter Out Of Place (trash)
Participation: Get in there! Don’t just watch the action, become it!
Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. We make the world real through actions that open the heart.
Radical Inclusion: Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.
Gifting: Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift-giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value. Your time is the most valuable thing at any burn! Donate some of it to volunteering!
Decommodification: In order to preserve the spirit of gifting, our community seeks to create social environments that are unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. We stand ready to protect our culture from such exploitation. We resist the substitution of consumption for participatory experience. This is build for us by us!
Radical Self-reliance: Burning Man encourages the individual to discover, exercise, and rely on their inner resources. While we are a camp that works together as a community you should also be prepared with your own resources and communications. We can help each other out, but don’t expect us to do anything for you.
Radical Self-expression: Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts of the individual. No one other than the individual or a collaborating group can determine its content. It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient.
Consent: NO means NO! Consent is not just about sex, it’s about respecting everyone’s personal boundaries and it basically means one thing: Always ask for permission!! Don’t touch anyone’s property without asking, don’t take video or photos without asking, don’t touch anyone or go into someone’s space without asking. You’ll be amazed and surprised how much you get if you simply just ask! Consent it sexy AF!
Join Us for 2025
Banana Hammocks is a very diverse camp that proudly welcomes everyone from every color of the rainbow!
We are all about our environmental impact so we pull our resources as a team in order to minimize our carbon footprint.
If you’re camping with us you don’t need to bring water, power, lots of food or any shade. We got you!
We normally host 40-50 campers! The camp contribution for each camper guarantees each person space for a tent/ RV, limited power, water access, shade for tents, breakfast and one hearty dinner per night (that’s 14 meals per person).
Your camp contribution also helps us cover storage, logistics and allows to update our camp infrastructure, such as: lighting, shade structure, sound systems, new hammocks, etc. A large portion also goes towards upgrades and repair for Banana Club!
Each person in our camp is an integral part of our team. Camp operates best when everyone pulls their weight. Financial contributions to camp does not entitle any camper to a free ride of not working to support the camp- even if it is having to do something undesirable (like taking down hammocks in the rain) We depend on our campers to be motivated self starters!
Where is everyone from?